Connie Leimbach…

500hr YTT - YogalatesTM - Reiki Master - Body Awakenings Studio Manager


Connie's first taste of yoga was in a small country town hall once a week.  Then over the years her practice became intermittent with other forms of exercise. Then she reached a time in her life when instead of feeling energised by rigourous exercise she was feeling exhausted and worn out. Enter her move to Gymea and the discovery of Body Awakenings where Connie found her groove in a consistant yoga practice since 2015. This complimented her love of healthy food and spiritual practices. Connie believes this finding of a like minded tribe has been so enriching to her heart and soul. Yoga has been a place to truly and authentically step into her own light, to fully understand and embrace who she is, connecting to herself and others. In 2016 she immersed wholeheartedly in Yogalates teacher training under the tuition of Nicole Whiteman which will continue to be a journey of self discovery. She feels yoga is a path for anyone and everyone no matter age or physical abilility, injury or trauma. Connie is excited to hold space for those who wish to share this journey of love for self and others…for her it’s always about the love we hold and share with one another.

Connie Leimbach Yoga Sound Meditation